It is a great trouble for the family if one of its members abuses strong drinks. This leads to disastrous consequences: poor health, constant hangover, aggression, apathy. There is also a lack of money, health problems, loss of income-generating jobs, quarrels in one's own home, violence during alcohol intoxication of the family, degradation of personality, loss of moral character and, in the end, the death of the drinker. This is not a complete list of the consequences of such a bad habit.

Can a drunk alcoholic refuse to drink forever alone or do you have to apply coding, resort to the help of specialists? This question worries a lot, the patient's relatives want to help him heal, to understand that this is bad, will only lead to a painful death. There are many cases when such people refuse to drink forever, live a full life without regret. To understand which ways to choose the best for a particular case, you need to identify the reasons forcing him to obey this "decoction", to take it in unlimited doses.
Reasons why people start drinking
Alcohol addiction is a big problem that needs to be solved. It will be necessary to help someone who gives up drinking. It is difficult for myself to fight this. You do not need to believe the promises: "From tomorrow I will stop drinking forever" - this can not be true. If there is a desire to make such changes in life, to overcome this disease alone at home, it will be possible. But ifthis person does not want to do anything, does not want to regain a healthy lifestyle, then all attempts to reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum will be futile.
Very often such dependence, the frequency of overeating occurs due to mental state, childhood complaints, character imbalance, desire to prolong the euphoria that occurs in the stage of alcohol intoxication, unwillingness to break this "vicious circle", forto banish alcohol-addicted friends with whom it is easier to find common interests. have interesting conversations, you don't want to interrupt the subsequent communication. Many people feel better, more confident in this state, do not want to lose this trust. The thirst for great abuse can begin due to the usual childish complexes, even in adulthood, they do not leave a man and in the euphoria caused by such drinks, he is in the image, feels strong, brave. After sobering up, the opposite reaction occurs and the first thought that immediately arises in the head is the desire to get drunk again. In order to get rid of this attraction, efforts must be made to help him answer "no" when he is offered to drink.
How addiction begins
It all starts with a small dose of alcohol on holidays. Then the consumption becomes higher, the drinks are stronger and there are more reasons. The main signs of alcoholism:
- Loss of protective reflexes. The body reacts to poisoning with vomiting reflexes, and in alcoholics this feeling simply disappears.
- Memory loss. What happened during the celebration is forgotten. Many people think, "I don't remember - I'm not. "
- Changes in drunken behavior. The husband becomes aggressive, prone to violence or vice versa, cries, complains about others who constantly insult him, do not pay enough attention.
- Hangover syndrome. They get rid of it by taking another dose of alcohol - this will lead to additional overeating.
- Withdrawal syndrome. Alcohol consumption is exceeded during drunkenness, which will lead to intoxication, nausea, migraine, weakness, impaired coordination, insecurity in the steps, anxiety and guilt.
- Alcoholic dementia. Deterioration of well-being, bark, learning functions, self-control, constant aggression.
- Delirium of jealousy. A special type of psychosis caused by a husband's suspicion of infidelity, aggravated by intoxication.
- Delirium tremens. Mental syndrome that occurs during a relapse of a hangover. Indicators - increased heart rate, sweating, irritability, blood pressure, hallucinations.
If something on the list is noticed, it is repeated for a year or two, then you need to find a suitable method to help an alcoholic brother. . . If he is not attracted to food, does not need a shower and requires another dose of ethyl alcohol contained in various cocktails, then the treatment of alcoholism in addicts becomes a priority. You need to treat yourself or contact a specialist.
Genetic predisposition
How to help an alcoholic to stop drinking? Sometimes this is difficult to do, as there may be an inheritance of this factor passed down through genes. About half of alcohol addicts have a genetic nature of their problems. Scientists have discovered genes that give its owner innate poor resistance, sensitivity to alcohol. They are not easily insensitive to it, have fewer consequences than taking it in unlimited quantities. And that's what they want most. Dependence increases in proportion to consumption.
Genes are inherited, but this does not mean that the fate of this individual is a predestined conclusion and he is destined to be an alcoholic. Not always, if a father or grandfather drank, this awaits their descendants. The body independently develops resistance to the desires inherent in the drinker. But the most important thing is the influential psychological methods of influencing the subconscious. From the contemplation of the drinking relatives, the descendant himself is attracted by this way of existence. To prevent this, one must have conversations with him, to provoke in him causal associations with a person who drinks excessively.
How can you motivate yourself to stop drinking
Can a drunk alcoholic give up drinking? You have to captivate him with other things, invent an interesting hobby for him, read fascinating articles, "cut the threads", connect him with bad company. Leaving quickly, easily - is impossible if the addiction is long and lasts more than a year. It takes a few months, during which you should distract him in all possible ways, not to allow situations to arise when bad thoughts come to your mind, new hobbies will be relevant, usually in most cases it helps.
It is obligatory for him to be able to give up the desire to drink, it is enough to help the alcoholic to change his job, to buy a car. In this case, he may be afraid to abuse so as not to lose a good source of income or a driver's license. For those people who drink, it will be difficult, if loved ones leave, there will be a breakup. By threatening him with this, you can achieve a certain result. Having shown examples when there is a complete degradation of personality, a person loses his moral character, we can use the examples of strangers who have the last stage of alcoholism. No one wants to be like an animal, begins to think about how to avoid it, realizes the possible consequences, beliefs work, it will help the alcoholic to give up drinking. Everyday life should be different and not do everything out of habit.
Damage to health
All alcoholics whose drunkenness leads to personality degradation, but also have symptoms of loss of moral character, constant depression, aggression, insomnia, hallucinations, memory loss. Such people have various diseases of the body. When a person drinks, then his brain, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and so on do not work well. The cause of the disease is the toxic effects of alcohol.
To eliminate intoxication, you can contact specialists by finding their contacts by visiting a special website. There are various ways to help the drinker remove the remaining ethyl alcohol from his body. Then the physical performance will increase.
Help for family members
There are many cases when alcoholics give up drinking on their own. It should be borne in mind that if alcoholism is intoxicated, he denies being ill. He remains unconvinced, even after realizing a situation from which it is difficult to get out of his own way. Relatives play a big role - they need to gain strength, patience, help to accept their problem, cope on their own and refuse to drink alcohol. As practice shows, such help is not superfluous. It is necessary to decide how to create an atmosphere of care for him so that he gains confidence that he is loved, to increase his own self-esteem.
A situation is possible when a feeling of guilt, a sense of shame arises. This process is difficult to control, many believe it is not worth intervening. If it is impossible to achieve a result in any way, you can consult a psychologist. This is an important topic and requires expert advice. You can't let everything go its own way. If necessary, in some situations the patient needs constant care, you need to monitor what he has done, decided and whether his physical and moral well-being is improving. Hobbies help, change the rules of this family, add household chores around the house. There are many means to achieve, it is necessary to look at his behavior, to take into account his real desires and to take into account the possibility of relapse.
When he decides to return to social society, the alcoholic who gives up drinking must understand that he has been on the brink and now only good things can be expected from the future. With effective treatment, voluntary abandonment of bad habits, you can live happily without various abuses.