Quite often, modern citizens before taking a stand and I can get blood alcohol. Dependent on the results of the test, further treatment is a person. The doctor should get the most reliable research result. Otherwise, again, or analysis, or treat the wrong course to take. True Blood must prepare a research thoroughly on the donation. But exactly how? And alcohol use this before? How much alcoholic beverages visible from the body? Answer all the listed questions (only), let us examine a little in detail what we Delphi. In fact it takes a life of ideas embodied within at least the time and effort. The analysis of the correct delivery and preparation is not difficult.

Effects of alcohol on the body
Drinking alcohol before taking blood? It should be noted, include ethanol, the impact on the body the following:
- increases the level, lactate;
- increases the concentration of uric acid;
- triacylglycerols increases;
- sugar lowers.
Accordingly, the obtained research results disrupt all of this. The doctor, most likely, guidance on re-blood.
Bans or lack thereof?
So, drinking alcohol before blood delivery? Theoretically, yes. But just you have to take into consideration, the results of the analysis of biological material obtained in this case can be misleading.
This is the only limitation. The whole question is, how blood test results there are many factors that have an impact. Therefore, restriction alcohol - only rule. Then, imagine, right to prepare for blood donation with analysis.
Excretion of alcohol
But first a few words about how alcohol blood. Everyone should know about it human.
In general, it is difficult to determine a precise time. There are different factors that influence the leaked blood. For example:
- gender;
- a person's age;
- kind of alcohol;
- general health status;
- the weight of the patient;
- the amount drunk.
In healthy people, alcohol appears more quickly. To deal with an alcoholic poisoning more quickly than men, more women. Nearly time to see ethanol excretion from the body. Indicators which navigate? How about blood alcohol? To help you answer the following numbers:
- vodka - 4.5 hours;
- beer - 40 minutes;
- red wine/champagne - 1.5 hours;
- Brandy - 5 hours;
- porto - 3 hours.
Drink 100 grams of body weight 80 kg male this period the excretion of. Worth remembering, this is only approximate values. And it is possible to think, whether delivered before the blood alcohol you drink, the better, never to abstain from drinking a similar beverage.

Categorical prohibitions
But that's not all. There are a number of cases of alcohol blood before the fence is strictly prohibited. Here's what can be connected? The following study:
- HIV;
- hepatitis (B, C);
- syphilis;
- calcium;
- content analysis blood phosphorus;
- magnesium;
- on triglyceride;
- cortisol, Androstenedione;
- on parathyroid hormone;
- on aldosterone.
Alcohol before taking blood, as they say, is not recommended. In these cases, do your research before you have to give up alcoholic beverages.
Sugar analysis
Is it possible that a blood alcohol analysis before taking if you want to drink sugar? As they say, ethanol may be reduced sugar. Increased blood sugar alcoholic beverages but it is possible. Accordingly, research a few days ago you have to give up any alcohol drinks. And these products too.
Without restriction
After delivery blood alcohol all the time, not banned. In some cases, the patient to say something about a special education or a different search. For example, such a thing may be in the following cases:
- before you leave, and drive on the public transit route;
- in the study, the blood ethanol content.
How much to give up?
Very interesting, how much have to limit yourself excessive drinking, blood before the fence. It's not that hard to answer this question.
General preparation
How preparation, blood donation? This process requires special attention. Important that, for example, for a donation. Delivery without special training Why is it wrong for blood tests. To prohibit these people sometimes is found to be to donate blood - alcohol - correct.
To get the most accurate research results, you need to:
- to give up alcohol for 2-3 days;
- don't smoke, at least a day;
- do not consume sweet, salty, spicy, oily, fried food;
- not much work;
- avoid stressful situations.
Came, a laboratory, preferably a person sit quietly for about 10-15 minutes. Then, consider a few useful tips for donor blood. Drinking alcohol before taking biological material? No. And smoking is also prohibited. What other restrictions, facing tips and donate? In general, to look like they worked before principles. You may need blood donors:
- Not drink 48 hours before delivery biomaterial;
- at least an hour before smoking, donation;
- eating in a balanced way;
- sleep before the procedure;
- easy breakfast in the morning (it's not blood donation on an empty stomach);
- come and biomaterial delivery in a healthy state;
- 2 cups sweet tea drink blood before the fence.
- dispense medication for 3 days ago etc .. process.

Remember, all of these rules, donor blood able to avoid willful damage their health. Because the allowable biological material requires special attention. To be serious, the responsible thing to do, at least temporarily, effects on the human body.
Different types of alcohol effects cold
Alcohol, depending on a dose and there is a castle, different effects on the body (including common cold):
- strong (21...alcohol content 80%) — cognac — why, intoxication, fast poisoning, nausea, vomiting;
- medium-bodied (alcohol content 20%) — contribute to the poisoning of mulled wine, but more gentle effects on the body are due to less caused by the presence of a fortress, vitamins and micro-elements;
- the small castle (alcohol content at most 6-8%) — — alcohol products are mostly harmless, but that is due to the lack of positive actions during colds is not recommended.
It's like poison to the body perceived at high temperatures of any alcoholic beverage. Therefore, on a question, drink vodka at a temperature of +38°C drops, there is no definitive answer.
Why can't I drink it at a high temperature
- Alcoholic beverages containing ethyl alcohol, toxic, destructive, functioning cells, what disease reduced the protective force and weakened body functions.
- You need to neutralize a poison that is perceived as ethyl alcohol due to its toxicity. Body experiences a powerful load at the same time with fighting illness and intoxication with alcohol.
- The temperature rise of the reaction an inflammatory process. It can only be called that is a common disease, but the pathology of any system. In this case, have used alcohol the risk of failure of the affected organ.
Therefore, alcohol at a temperature of +38°C, not only is undesirable, but it's also dangerous.
In the cases which temperature drinking alcohol with
Intake, alcoholic drinks, small doses (50 g) maximum possible diseases the first symptoms and body temperature +37°C when it drops, a person still I started taking the drug .. etc. Or to use the best wine for medicinal purposes . Fixes a small dose of these drinks promote sound sleep and headache intensification accelerates the vessel through extensions protective body functions.
Based wine, food, hot drinks, mulled wine:
- Pour dry red wine capacity and heat stirring over low heat.
- Add cinnamon bark, one tablespoon of honey and cloves (2-3 pieces), prevent.
- Then put them in order, lemon peel, ginger and cardamom.
- Cook some more, Not brings, bring to a boil, remove from heat.

Alcohol reduces stress
This is quite a popular misconception, often a causes of alcoholism. Why drink a really small dose free blood hormones of happiness – endorphins. This improves mood, gives people a sense of joy and self-confidence. Forget your troubles for a while, but is not able to solve them.
Quick endorphin depletion and deterioration of general health due to large amounts of alcohol cause of the toxic effects of alcohol. Additionally, a person frequently experience feelings of guilt associated with alcoholic beverages you consume while, its status, and missed opportunities are offered.
Alcohol and sleep improves
Drink a glass of cognac or a glass of wine, sleep improves. There are lots of sides to talk about this, and those who do often. Indeed, why relaxing and a mild alcoholic drinks in small doses drowsiness. Really, over time, this effect disappears.
When your body gets used to it, alcohol, alcoholic beverages and a solid portion of time passes and it has a relaxing effect, on the contrary, excite people. In such a case, the person to fall asleep, but her rest is broken and sleep rhythm properly fails.
Alcohol increases your appetite
This claim is partially true. Approximately 20-25 ml of strong alcohol, used 15 minutes before a meal, increases the nerve center of the business really responsible for hunger.
But if alcohol is consumed on an empty stomach, then you're going to hurt the most this body. Alcohol has a stimulating effect on the mucosa of the stomach and the esophagus. This thought-provoking in the development of an inflammatory process, contributes to the development of both gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
Alcoholism can be treated
Unfortunately, it's impossible to completely heal a person for alcoholism. Can be obtained in addition, alcohol is consumed now, but her indifferent to alcohol is impossible. This means, that a former alcoholic is completely from addiction to alcohol, even in small doses cause alcohol have been drunk again. Alcoholism is an incurable disease because there is always a possibility of recurrence, even after a long period of withdrawal.
Virtually any party or meeting without alcohol. And such a vacation may not always produce good results. Yes, the night may be marred, but in the body too much alcohol. In this article, we talk about the right to drink alcohol, this feel good about themselves, raise it or lower it to degrees.
The lowest degree
In-degree, this morning I feel like something will be alcohol dependent. But not the only factor, is a condition that affects. Drunk the amount of alcohol that it plays a big role, and quality with its combination of other soft drinks. I can get lowering degrees of alcohol are hard to us and why. When it enters the body, alcohol, foldable 2 components ethyl alcohol and acetic aldehyde. The second component – it's toxic. When an excessive amount of body poisons him. Then facial with:
- Be aware that you have a headache.
- Nauseous and vomiting.
- Uneven pressure.
- Painful sensations in the field of the heart.
- Problems with breathing.
Causes reduction degree, alcohol, foldable, much faster, the encouragement of Education toxic substances. Have a negative impact on them, the work of the internal organs and the major body systems to work, is absorbed, and blood. A double blow to the body that is applied in this context. The main reason for this, why lowering the degree of alcohol. Also drinking carbonated drinks should be abandoned. They contain carbon dioxide. When that body, absorption, blood alcohol accelerates. This adversely the functioning, liver and other organs.
How to understand what you have a problem with alcohol
Regular needs alcohol is an excuse to think, relax and no stress dependence of the output that you desire. Actually, this is very scary to do. Because alcohol has the ability to have a totally different person – bad, and dangerous to society is desperate. In this case is not sufficient to control the amount of alcohol drunk. You need to take care in its use and frequency. About 400 grams for 2 weeks if you drink a vodka – systematic to talk about is a drink. Mistakenly to believe that other drinks instead of vodka in this alcoholism. Enough to match them. Calculation formula:
(Kale, alcohol (per cent) * Amount drunk (ML)):1000 = unit quantity of alcohol. 1 unit of alcohol = 10 millilitres of pure alcohol.

To talk about, alcoholism, the value of each day and then enters the human body, 3 alcohol. Reflect this diagnosis, and follow-up in the following cases:
- To think, an alcohol, a person's mood lifted.
- Etc .. such a talented comprehend him medicine to relieve tension, calm down.
- If it occurs in the absence of alcoholic beverages in the state, close to "breaking".
- By changing a person's behavior under the influence of alcohol. Then appear worn on the body, aggression, and irritability.
Accurate measure of alcohol and eating purposely, into the hands of Health for any possible damage that can be prevented. Otherwise it spoiled, pm, morning headaches, and it's a sickening situation, during the day, the patient visible big risk for alcoholism.