Uncontrolled intake of alcoholic beverages, harmful to the human body. Everyone knows this, but only a few consciously limit yourself to alcohol. Everywhere by doctors and scientists about the dangers of alcohol, reading, tutoring, conducted in schools, diagnosis, and in the adult population, but this problem is not solved. Alcohol damages so strong, that it may cause irreversible consequences.

How alcohol affects your health
It's not the name of a harmless alcohol. Alcoholic beverages in comparison with the goods wrongfully convince many doctors benefits of the evolution. A glass of dry red wine daily reduce the risk of hypertension is capable of. Brandy is able to prevent stroke. Periodic cleans the vessels and reception alcoholic drinks prevents formation of cholesterol plaques. But the uncontrolled intake path can have irreversible consequences. The toxic effects of lead and alcohol on the human body irreversible changes, liver, heart and brain. Drunkenness is the reason a variety of purposes for a stay of so much. Why aren't the same people? That is why alcoholic drinks consumed in small doses like? The answer of the organism to the chemical business. All are buried very quickly in the body's metabolic processes, such as ethanol, nicotine is an unhealthy and an uncomfortable feeling that often occur as need external supplements. These symptoms first, and may stop the treatment. Talented harmful habits very quickly, it's a terrible life. Alcoholism Beach is known worldwide. Affected by, and safe population and the rich kids, mom and successful and the poor resentful and unfair. Alcoholic beverages you won't answer the questions, but thanks to them, one person a time on talented you questions and forget to relax. Sometimes excessive stress, alcohol can be necessary and useful. But such incidents are extremely rare.
Unfriendliness alcohol for the body's organs and systems
No the wall of the small intestine. Common burns, throat and stomach. Developing ulcers and gastritis in the stomach. For the system to work properly. Food begins to rot and stale, rotting the heart and blood vessels, thinning of the walls of the blood vessels. The heart muscle weakens. Display arrhythmia, increases the risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke people.
The most affected brain cells. Ethanol disrupts the membranes of fat tissue, nerve fibers. The display block, the reaction is reduced. Guy loses memory and concentration, it is reasonable and logical thinking. Will power drops to zero. The man is motionless, obeys, someone else will. The path of developing neuropathy irreversible consequences.
Fatty liver cirrhosis and other complications of the most common in the city. You can perform the body no longer functions properly. Shortened life span.
Why is alcohol harmful to you? Ethanol penetrates easily through the Shell any cell. Just split a connection with water. For this reason, in the morning, the evening is always very thirsty. Alcohol literally drains the vitality of the cells of liquid that are required for change processes. Developing dehydration. Does alcohol affect the body? Depending on the pathological use of alcohol leads to frequent, in which a person isn't a state, I fight alone. Help needed doctors, medicine, etc treatment and psychological counseling. Buried in ethanol metabolic processes are very easy and fast in a way, then, we live for the body, a need for it. The irresponsible character of carrying a disease alcoholism is a victim.

Another school to talk about the dangers of alcohol, but young people continue with perseverance to succumb to a harmful habit. Of course, family and role to play. Children often mimic the behavior mother. And if beer is consumed each day and an adult with Young from a previous year will be follow their example. Alcohol kills, slowly but surely. Often, people is now aware of the problem it is too late. Ethanol is such a harmful damage to the body, which is able to cope with. Have to delete half a liver and some intestines and stomach. Let alone high-risk cancer.
Statistics and facts
Craving alcohol, there are dire consequences. This terrible alcoholism is an unconscious approach, the victim's own action. A person can do, restrain yourself and their desire to control, and processes. More dangerous than alcohol:
- 92% of all cases in the months of violence in the state of intoxication.
- 85% of first sexual experiences a state of intoxication that happens to young people an.
- 73% of unplanned pregnancies occur in wine, drink.
- Fay is half done accident drunk drivers.
- Half the families have become fragmented because one spouse's alcoholism.
- Homicide half drunk.
- Quarter-it's a terrible disease that falls in either of the cases, suicide.
Statistics scares me. Have another bad habit alcoholism is harmful and terrible. Fast and drugs is illegal. Very comfortable for nicotine addiction, the easier it can be treated. This brings devastating damage alcoholism is the biggest. According to WHO data, this beer is the most common in the world of alcoholism. Accepted, mild alcoholic drink – beer – is less harmful for the body. But that's not true. A small percentage of ethanol to drink this corrects a bad impression. But this is beer alcoholism, according to the World Health Organization the most common in the world, especially among young people. Slowly the fog in your mind. Drank so action is clearly felt. And just a morning person aware of, yesterday is quite sufficient. This terrible and insidious mild alcoholic beverages plays a role in the deadly feature of the lives of youth. Can be seen the influence of alcohol, toxic longevity.
Hurt for the female body
Women are especially prone to alcohol abuse. The hormonal background of the body with this attached properties. The woman does not have harmful habits against such a power, like a man. Them struggling with a more severe disease. Which dose, is it safe for a woman? A glass of red wine will benefit from holiday. To allow for a glass of champagne is to relax. But a bottle of Martini, two girl is definitely drunk with friends health effects. A doctor and a biologist who claims to be the eggs of a particular stock in a woman's body remains the same, even a lifetime. This means that affect serving any alcohol, egg, and never can be, a full-fledged person. Can often be seen in the hands of a young girl with a beer bottle. They call themselves adults. Actually, seemingly, they're too young and stupid, narrow-minded. The harms of alcohol for women each serving of alcohol is taken, because of the toxic effects tend to accumulate. These effects, above all, to future generations. It's not important, leave the girl out for a drink or not. It was already there, his life is reflected in his children. And this situation is terrible. In this regard, the younger generation notice and necessary. Maybe then he is not irresponsible for their deeds.

Damage to the male body
First of all when the harm occurs in the middle of alcohol for men, erectile dysfunction. This is a bad disease. Men being abused with alcoholic beverages at an early age, this disease may occur relatively early – 35 years old. Often a man ignores a similar precedent, but over time that becomes more of a problem. And then to go to the doctor would be, it's already too late. It is harmless and rare party with friends, then some more days of vacation? Much. Rare holiday can wreck even prostate function. Alcohol is harmful for the reproduction. Average sperm matures in about forty days. So, when this period of alcohol consumption a risk for the unborn born down rises.
Beer, regular alcohol reduces 50% of the power
I think it is usually men depends on the health of the child all mothers a way to not have true a way of life that produce similar requirements to myself. That led to the terrible consequences of neglect: malformations, heart disease, allergies, – less, what will occur to the child. Alcohol is injurious to health, especially male. Occurs in women more often than men because of these properties insufficient thiamine or vitamin male hormonal background, which leads to the formation of the group polyneuropathy, which, in turn, may cause irreversible changes in the body. The guy is literally stupid in front of. His mental capabilities degrade. Reactions are reduced, speaking about go on, Don't stop here. That follows a. The view is hazy and pale. Over time, this may occur as prostate problems, are in the hands or the feet. Even a small dose harmful, not to mention alcohol regularly. Large male body able to digest and reduces a large amount of alcohol blunts the perception of the adequacy of.
An effect on the body young
A young and growing body needs vitamins and good nutrition healthy, fit mode. Instead, these young people are looking for ways to beer or other alcoholic beverage in hand. Events alcohol is absolutely unacceptable. Intake of alcoholic drinks during adolescence is especially dangerous. Young body just begins to mature and form. Irregular hormones are produced, Why emotional outbursts or depression. The deteriorating situation can lead to hormonal alcohol fails:
- Inhibiting growth processes.
- Slowed growth, neural networks in the brain.
- Puberty passes properly, then it can cause infertility.
- Hormonal dysfunction.
- Put the wrong habits and preferences.
- Formation, which leads to the deterioration of the environment.
- No healthy interests and sports achievements.
- Damage to the internal organs.
What is alcohol harmful for a young man? The results can be disastrous. A series of errors that may be caused by corrupted youth a habit into adulthood. Talented young people assess the situation and responsibility for actions in a rational manner. Under the influence of alcohol, Young becomes unmanageable. In frequent cases, fights and injuries, injuries. The girls spend asking the doctors towards abortion. Parents and educators watch more carefully, the mood, the young and the slope
Take what?
Encoding a common treatment for alcoholics. After a while, delirium tremens, alcoholic receives the respective institution, the relatives and the doctor already you decide to get next. An acceptance usually sewn under the skin etc .. driving long effective medicine, alcoholic beverages, and this process is impossible. Really effective way, but a short time. Just the effect of the drug ends, and washes me from me from a long alcoholic binge. Is required for an effective treatment, which is a good result for the victim and asked the doctor you are interested in. Encoding is usually bad results. After the end of the drug of drunken forgetfulness and a person die. Which is less harmful than alcohol? What dose and how often? It's not every day even, use dry red wine, alcoholic beverages an alcoholic sober as a man to do a portion. A loss of control drunkenness. An integrated treatment approach:

- This is treated with medicine .. etc.
- Observation and physician.
- The help of a psychologist.
- Regular counselling is a character.
- Observation in a clinical setting.
- Tests and examinations of the damage to the body.
- Drinking a full disclaimer request.
Excretion of alcohol to the human body a full 14 days required. So, alcohol should not be used for yourself for two weeks sober. Unit, boasting an enviable situation, this her health. Remember, this is a large part of ethanol – 83% of the digestion in the small intestine. Alcoholism often leads to cancer of the small intestine. This is why it is an extremely unpleasant disease, often metastasize and damage other organs. Alcohol is harmful for human health, especially for those able to watch it at their own whim and weakness. In the same amount of alcohol may be a good help in achieving mild therapeutic purposes. Alcohol Strictly is not valid for children and teens.